Apr 3, 2009



1 comment:

  1. In Romania, for the following 40 days after the Resurrection of Christ or Easter, people welcome each other using the words: "Christ has risen!" and answering “He has risen, indeed!"
    The Feast of Easter was very well chosen as the motto of this project’s site because, as Christ "died and revived“, our time dies every day to renew the following one, dies every winter to renew each spring, our time dies with every generation to let new generations rise...
    The new generations should know and appreciate the efforts of the past ones: their work, their suffering during wars, their experience, their stories, their feelings...
    The construction of this site was a great idea, it may be useful for younger generations to help them to return in time and revive experiences of past generations, to understand their thoughts, their emotions, their stories and games, their work. All these bloom in the hearts of children ...
    As we remember each year the death and resurrection of Christ (which may be a symbol of the death of nature every winter and its rebirth every spring), so we should always bring to present parts of our ancestor’s lives. Thus, we can hoist on their shoulders and see further than them and we rise with each new spiritual teaching ...
